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Deferred Income Annuities
Deferred Income Annuities (DIAs) are also referred to as “Longevity Annuities” or “Longevity Insurance” because it contractually solves for the fear that you could run out of money. Annuities are the only product type that can guarantee a lifetime income stream, regardless of how long you live. Income for life (i.e. guaranteed income) is what DIAs contractually solve for, and need to be considered for your retirement savings, retirement accounts, and retirement plans.
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No annual fees & no moving parts.
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Simplistic & efficient designed income payment.
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Can be used in an IRA, Roth IRA, or non-IRA account.
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Tax preferable income stream in a non-IRA account
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Can be set up as joint payment with a spouse.
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Customizable for lifetime income, period certain, or both.
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Large/high rated carrier participation.
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COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) can be added to the policy.
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Income is primarily based on life expectancy.
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No investment or stock market type risk.
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Option to add money during the deferral period.