
Pension Fund or Retirement Annuity: How Each Work

Pension fund or retirement annuity—what's better? We're going to find out and answer the questions to help you make an informed and rational decision.

Is the 4% Rule Dead?

Hi there, Stan The Annuity Man, America's Annuity Agent, licensed in all 50 states. I'm so happy you're here for this one because this is a big topic: the 4% rule is dead.

Annuity Companies vs Banks

Today, we’re discussing how annuity companies aren’t smarter than banks. They’re just more regulated. Let me tell you a little story.

Retirement Expert Rants: Made-Up FIA Indexes

Hi, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states, including yours. What we’re going to talk about today are what I call made-up indexes out of midair in the Fixed Indexed Annuity world.

Retirement Expert Rants: People Don't Even Know What They Are Buying

Why am I ranting? Because I'm encountering too many people who don't even know what they've bought. And it's not just Index Annuities; that's an easy one.

IRA Annuity: How Does It Work?

First of all, is there such a thing as an IRA annuity? Not really. But many people ask about it, so I thought I’d cover it here on The Annuity Man's website.

Which Is Better: Mutual Fund vs. Annuity

Today's topic is a good one: which is better, a mutual fund or an annuity? You might be thinking, "Wait a minute, Stan, that's an easy one," but it's not. I'll explain the details after this.

How to Calculate an Annuity and Run the Right Quotes

How do you calculate an annuity and get the right quotes? First things first, you need to figure out if you need an annuity at all. And then, if you do, what type works best?

Annuity Income: How It Works For Every Annuity Type

Today, we're going to talk about annuity income and cover every type of annuity. There's not just one annuity. You can't hate all annuities because there are different types.

Fixed Index Annuity Rates: Why Renewal Rates Matter

What are we talking about today? The most popular product on the planet. The best thing since sliced bread. The greatest thing ever. It's too good to be true. It's fantastic.

Master Annuity Calculators with These Tips

Today's topic is a very good one. It's about mastering annuity calculators with secrets and tips from Stan The Annuity Man of all people.

How To Know If Your Annuity Is Safe

But today, this topic is unique. It is called How to Know if Your Annuity Is Safe. Are the companies you're investing in, the annuity companies, safe?

Annuity Statements of Understanding: Flushing Out The Truth

Hi there, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent. Yes, Stan knows. Bo does not know. I know Stan knows because Stan is The Annuity Man and the number one agent in the country.

100k Annuity Payout

The topic today is the general question that everybody asks me because they think all annuities are one type, work the same, and are all priced the same.

Retirement Expert Rants: Where Are the Guaranteed Products?

Hi, my name is Stan The Annuity Man, America's Annuity Agent, licensed in all 50 states. I'm concerned right now because I'm seeing with many carriers that they have stopped promoting their guaranteed products.