What Is A Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)?
A qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC) is a type of annuity contract specifically designed to keep you from outliving your retirement savings. As a deferred annuity, QLACs provide you with a guaranteed stream of income later in life.

Stan The Annuity Man: Happy Birthday To QLACs
With QLACs, SPIAs, and DIAs, there's no annual fees. There's no market attachment; it’s a straight transfer risk. You're saying to the issuing QLAC company, here's the money, and you are on the hook to pay me, or me and my wife, or me and my husband forever as long as one of us is breathing, but you don't get to keep a penny.

September 14, 2023
What Is A Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)?
A qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC) is a type of annuity contract specifically designed to keep you from outliving your retirement savings. As a deferred annuity, QLACs provide you with a guaranteed stream of income later in life.

September 12, 2023
Stan The Annuity Man: Happy Birthday To QLACs
With QLACs, SPIAs, and DIAs, there's no annual fees. There's no market attachment; it’s a straight transfer risk. You're saying to the issuing QLAC company, here's the money, and you are on the hook to pay me, or me and my wife, or me and my husband forever as long as one of us is breathing, but you don't get to keep a penny.

August 29, 2023
High Rates for How Long: by Terry Savage
Do you have “chicken money” – money that you want to protect from risk? If so, it should be in short-term CDs, or money market accounts, or short term Treasury Bills – IOUs from the Federal government. Those are the safe places to stash your cash.

August 17, 2023
How Are Annuity Income Riders Taxed?
Hi there. Stan, the Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, here with you again. You have typed into the bar, the bar screen, the Google thing, how are Income Riders taxed? That is an excellent question. I will answer it very briefly, and then we will dig deep, so hang in there with me. The answer is, depending on the type of rider you have attached to your Deferred Annuity.

August 3, 2023
Annuity Vs. 401k: Do 401k Plans Offer Annuities?
So what are we talking about today? Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent licensed in all 50 states, including yours. We're talking about 401ks and annuities. Which one's better? Does your 401K offer an annuity? Should your 401K offer an annuity? If your 401k doesn't offer an annuity, what do you do? You know what? I'm going to cover all of those topics, all of those questions in detail.

Shootin’ It Straight with Stan®
August 2, 2023
Don’t Be the Sucker at the Annuity Table: Shootin' It Straight With Stan
Today's topic is don't be the sucker at the table. Don't be the sucker at the annuity table. And I keep telling people this, but they keep calling me with these crazy sales pitches they're getting. And in Vegas, at the poker tables, and I always walk by like in Caesars, they have an open area where you can watch the poker being played at numerous tables. And I always look at that, and I always try to spot the sucker at the table.