
Retirement Withdrawal Strategies: SPIAs

Retirement Withdrawal Strategies: SPIAs

Hi, there. Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Today we're discussing retirement withdrawal strategies using Single Premium Immediate Annuities. SPIAS, that's the acronym.
Single Life With Cash Refund

Single Life With Cash Refund

What are we talking about today? We're talking about Immediate Annuities that are structured single life with cash refund. You need to know that there are many ways to structure Immediate Annuities. There are probably over 30, but today we will discuss single life with cash refund and compare it to other structures.
How to Apply for an Annuity

How to Apply for an Annuity

How to apply for an annuity. That's what you're looking to do? Hey, let's slow down there a little bit, sparky. Before you jump to conclusions about buying an annuity, or maybe you're just trying to find out how the process works, which is good, let's look at even if you need an annuity, and we're going to go through those steps, so hang in there with me.
What Is a Lifetime Income Stream?

What Is a Lifetime Income Stream?

Hey, Stan The Annuity Man here, America's annuity agent. The question that you are asking that everyone is asking Stan The Annuity Man is, what is a lifetime income stream? Loaded question depending on who you ask, but a lifetime income stream revolves around the annuity category. We will go deeper into that, how it might work for you, how it might not, and other lifetime income streams you're getting and how to compare them to annuities.
Should I Have an Annuity in My Portfolio?

Should I Have an Annuity in My Portfolio?

So, should you have an annuity in your portfolio? That's the question, right? Hey, I'm Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. I know you wanted to know that. But should you have an annuity in your portfolio? That's an excellent question. The answer is, I don't know. And maybe not, but maybe so.
How to Liquidate an Annuity

How to Liquidate an Annuity

Now, you're asking the question of how to liquidate an annuity, which I'm assuming you own one, and you're tired of it, and you don't want to own it anymore, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Whatever the case, we can help you with that, but depending on what type of annuity you have. Some annuities aren't sellable, so we will have to cover every single one and tell you how to liquidate it or if you can liquidate it, etc
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Life With Installment Refund vs. Life With Cash Refund

Today we are going to compare life with installment refunds versus cash refunds. I got a call the other day, a call I receive a lot with people saying, "Hey, I do not want the annuity company to keep any of the money. I want a lifetime income stream, but I want to make sure that the annuity company doesn't keep a penny." And that's a big concern because there are many misconceptions out there that, when you die, the annuity company keeps the money.
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How Are Qualified Annuities Taxed?

Taxes, taxes, taxes. The question is, how are Qualified Annuities taxed? Meaning that you have an annuity inside of your IRA; how are those annuities taxed? We'll talk about that. But disclaimer, do not take tax advice from agents and advisors and people who haven't gone to law schools, gotten tax degrees or CPAs, and passed courses for tax advice.
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Annuity vs. Life Insurance

Hi, I’m Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent here to answer the burning question and compare annuities versus life insurance. Everyone asks me which one's better, and most of the time, both are sold improperly. Life insurance companies issue annuities, but life insurance and annuities are entirely different animals. And we'll talk about that.
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What Is a Hybrid Annuity?

Hello there. Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent here with you, and today's topic is a good one. We will dive into what a Hybrid Annuity is and give some examples. Typically, when people say, "What's a hybrid?" I say, "Well, it's a mattress, a car, a plant." But in today's annuity selling environment, people are starting to make up words to sell annuities.
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What Is a 1035 Transfer?

Hey, everyone out there! I'm glad you joined me for this blog on what is a 1035 transfer. My name is Stan The Annuity Man, and I'm America's annuity agent and the number one annuity educator on the planet. I sell annuities, but I'd like to educate my clients before they buy them.
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How Many Beneficiaries Can You Have on an Annuity?

So, you asked how many beneficiaries you can have on an annuity. I mean, you must be from the South like I am. I'm from the Charlotte, North Carolina, area originally. I don't live there now, but my family is back there, and we have a huge family. I was thinking about that question, and while writing this blog, I'm like, "Hey, that makes sense. I'm assuming you've got this huge family."
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When Is the Best Time to Buy an Annuity?

I don't have a watch. I have an iPhone that I looked down at. But you asked, 'What's the best time to buy an annuity?' There's no good answer to that question, just bad sales pitches. Now we're going to go deeper than that. You can say, 'Well, that's not what I was looking for.' I understand that. I will go into that question from the standpoint of interest rates and what you're trying to solve.
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Using an Annuity to Pay for Long Term Care

Are you looking for an answer regarding annuities in long-term care? Many people have that on their mind because long-term care is kind of that gorilla in the room, that little guy on your shoulder that's like, "You might want to address that. You might want to check that box."
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The Truth About Fixed Index Annuities

Hey, can you handle the truth? Can you handle it? As Jack Nicholson said, can you handle the truth about Fixed Index Annuities? I'll tell you what, there needs to be some truth out there. Many pitches are flying through the air, radio, TV, the bad chicken dinner seminars, about Fixed Index Annuities.