Financial Advisor Magazine: In Uncertain Times, Do Annuities Make Sense?

Stan Haithcock
Stan Haithcock
June 9, 2022

I’m always honored when accomplished people call in for my opinion. Ben Mattlin contacted me to contribute to his article on Financial Advisor Magazine, “In Uncertain Times, Do Annuities Make Sense?” This article was posted on June 1, 2022. Every time I help with one of these national articles, its a double win. I get to share my knowledge with a new audience and collaborate with expert writers. Professional writers in our industry juggle a ton of financial products so my no BS approach is much needed. He even mentioned David Blanchett who has been a guest on my Fun With Annuities podcast.

Ben’s article mentions the current state of the world and its connection with topics like Fixed Index Annuities,Traditional Variable Annuities, Interest Rates, Multi Year Guaranteed Annuities, Mortality Pooling and more. It has my seal of approval if you’d like to take a read.