Barron’s: Here Are 3 Ways to Get Better Yields Than Bonds, With Some Measure of Safety

So pumped that Neal Templin contacted me to contribute to his Barron’s article, “Here are 3 Ways to Get Better Yields Than Bonds, With Some Measure of Safety,” which appeared on on March 26, 2022. Every time I help with one of these national articles, it’s a double win. I get to share my knowledge with a new audience and collaborate with expert writers. Professional writers in our industry juggle a ton of financial products, so my “making annuities simple” talent comes in handy. I love working with Neal because he wants to get it right. He wants to learn and help his readers learn as well. We talked numerous times on the phone, and I sent him my books because he wanted to dig into Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGA). The result? An excellent article and a must-read.
Ben’s article about Treasury Series I Savings Bonds, MYGAs, and Interval Funds was timely and needed in the current low-interest-rate environment. People are looking for yield and need to know their options. Barron’s is an excellent publication, and I applaud them for covering the MYGA topic for its readers who were unaware of the strategy.