
Comparing Deferred Income Annuities

Comparing Deferred Income Annuities

How do you compare Deferred Income Annuities? Well, the short answer is I want you to stay through the whole blog, but the short answer is you have to quote all carriers because Deferred Income Annuities are like all annuities; they're commodity products. It's very competitive out there. Quotes change, so you must quote all carriers and be specific about what you're trying to achieve.
Can You Buy an Annuity Inside an IRA?

Can You Buy an Annuity Inside an IRA?

Today, we will discuss whether you can buy an annuity inside your IRA. Many people are out there who, when they hear that, just go crazy and say, "You should never buy an annuity inside of an IRA." That's just complete and utter garbage. And you can take this blog and shoot it to your financial advisor if they're the ones who said that.
Annuity in Financial Management

Annuity in Financial Management

Hi there. Stan The Annuity Man. Americas annuity agent licensed in all 50 states, talking about annuities or annuities in financial management, annuities in your financial plan, and annuities in your financial portfolio. Does it fit? Why does my master of the universe, stockbroker, wealth architect person almost do a projectile vomit when you bring up an annuity?
Are Hybrid Annuities Too Good to Be True?

Are Hybrid Annuities Too Good to Be True?

Now, what you're looking at today and the reason that you clicked this blog, Are Hybrid Annuities Too Good to Be True? First, because you're using the word hybrid, you typed in the word hybrid, and it attracted you, which only means one thing. It means that some agent, some advisor, has pitched you what they're pitching you as an Indexed Annuity.
Are All Annuities Tax Deferred?

Are All Annuities Tax Deferred?

The question of the day is, are all annuities tax-deferred? Short answer: no. But we need more than that, right? You need more than just the no. You need to know the details of all that. So, hang in there with me, and I'm going to go through all of that in detail so you can fully understand what tax-deferred means.
Joint and Survivor Annuity

Joint and Survivor Annuity

Joint and survivor annuity, what does that mean? That means that you have a spouse you love that's put up with your crap for a long, long time, and you want to create a lifetime income stream that will pay each of you as long as you are breathing.
Single Premium Immediate Annuity Quotes

Single Premium Immediate Annuity Quotes

Let's talk about Single Premium Immediate Annuities in general. Pension annuities started in the Roman times. Yes, the Roman times. That's how old they are. They're transfer risk products, and they're based on your life expectancy at the time you take the payment. It's not interest rate driven.
What Does Life Annuity With Period Certain Mean?

What Does Life Annuity With Period Certain Mean?

What are we here for? We're here to talk about Immediate Annuities, life with a period certain. What does life with a period certain mean? It sounds crazy and kind of complicated. It's really not. I'm going to explain it and dig a bit deeper.
Annuity Alternatives: How to Know Which Retirement Track Is Right for You

Annuity Alternatives: How to Know Which Retirement Track Is Right for You

How do you know which retirement track, decision, or product is right for you? What are the annuity alternatives for that? And let's stop right there. Annuities aren't for everyone. Even though every single person watching this video who's a US citizen with a Social Security number already owns the best inflation annuity on the planet called Social Security.
Retirement Withdrawal Strategy: Income Riders

Retirement Withdrawal Strategy: Income Riders

We're talking about retirement withdrawal strategies or strategies using Income Riders. So we're going to talk about how Income Riders work, where they're attached to, what products use Income Riders, what you should know, what is good and bad about Income Riders, the limitations, the benefits, what I call the asterisk, the things that not anybody knows.
Long-Term Care Annuity Pros and Cons

Long-Term Care Annuity Pros and Cons

Hey, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent here with you to talk about a subject that I know you're sitting there going, "Oh, I don't even want to talk about this," but I'm glad you did. I'm glad you clicked on this blog. Today, we will talk about long-term care annuity pros and cons.
Annuities vs. CDs

Annuities vs. CDs

Let's talk about annuities versus CDs. Annuities, you can't say annuities. It's like saying restaurants. Okay? It's like saying trucks. It's like saying shoes. Annuities have many different types. But let's talk about the type you can compare to a CD. The annuity industry has its own version of its CD. It's called a Multi-Year Guarantee Annuity. MYGA is the acronym.
What Is A Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)?

What Is A Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)?

A qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC) is a type of annuity contract specifically designed to keep you from outliving your retirement savings. As a deferred annuity, QLACs provide you with a guaranteed stream of income later in life.
How Is a Non-Qualified Annuity Taxed?

How Is a Non-Qualified Annuity Taxed?

Let's talk about how non-qualified annuities are taxed. I'll give you the 30,000-foot view from the B-2 bomber. But you got to come down here to the fighter pilot, and that's the tax lawyer, when you get down to the end, and you're trying to make a decision. So, we will cover all that and all types of annuities in a non-qualified account.
Life-Only Immediate Annuity Definition

Life-Only Immediate Annuity Definition

Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent is here to answer the burning question because everyone thinks every annuity is like this. What's the definition of a life-only annuity? That's the call I get from everyone who says, "I'd never buy an annuity because when I die, the annuity company keeps the money."