How the Annuity Sausage is Made: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

How the Annuity Sausage is Made: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is a great one: How the Annuity Sausage Is Made. Now, I'm not going to go into the depths of the actuaries sitting in their closets, running the numbers, etc., but I'm going to give you the 30,000-foot view of how this all works, and it'll make sense to you once I get done.
Always Reverse Engineer Annuity Income Quotes: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Always Reverse Engineer Annuity Income Quotes: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is always reverse engineer annuity income quotes. "What do you mean by reverse engineer, Stan? You do not look like an engineering student or someone who could major in engineering."
Annuity Income Rider Roll-up Rates Are Not Yield

Annuity Income Rider Roll-up Rates Are Not Yield

Today's topic is a good one and important because people make mistakes when they purchase annuities. They believe something that's true, that's being told to them, that's really not. Annuity agents or advisors are either not detailed enough, don't really know, or play semantics, word games, when they talk about Income Riders.
What Is the Purpose of Reverse Engineering Annuity Quotes?

What Is the Purpose of Reverse Engineering Annuity Quotes?

Today's topic is a good one. What is the purpose of reverse engineering annuity quotes? He's saying, "Reverse engineers. Stan, you don't look like an engineer. You don't act like one." I'm not an engineer. My wife said the other day at the Hoover Dam, "One of the worst jobs ever for you would be an engineer."
How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?

How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?

Today's topic is how much do you need to retire? In this case, we're talking about money, but I will cover other things because that's what I do. I can free form this, but how much money do you need to retire? I'm going to tell you how to do that. It's very simple.
Annuity Decisions Should Be Simple & Contractual: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuity Decisions Should Be Simple & Contractual: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is Annuity Decisions Should Be Simple and Contractual. They have to be both. They can't be one or the other. They got to be both. And let me explain that to you.
How I Really Feel About Indexed Annuities

How I Really Feel About Indexed Annuities

Index Annuities are contracts; we will go over the details of Index Annuities. You're going to hear about how I really feel about Index Annuities. That is guaranteed. The other thing guaranteed is that I will tell you the brutal truth about what they are.
Don’t Buy Annuity Hypothetical Annuity Returns: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Don’t Buy Annuity Hypothetical Annuity Returns: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is a good one that will inform the masses and upset some people trying to sell annuities, and it's titled 'Do Not Buy Annuity Hypothetical Returns.'
Are Annuities Safe?

Are Annuities Safe?

We're here to talk about annuities. Are they safe? I get the calls all the time. "I don't know if annuities are safe or not. Should I put money there?" Let's talk about that.
Annuity Death Benefits: Are They Taxable?

Annuity Death Benefits: Are They Taxable?

Today, a little bit of motivation. We're going to talk about death. Yes, that's a motivational topic. But we need to talk about annuity death benefits. Are they taxable? How do they work? All that stuff. You need to know that because you must control things from the grave. You need to set things up for your family.
Roth IRA Annuity: Are the Payments Taxed?

Roth IRA Annuity: Are the Payments Taxed?

Let's talk about Roth IRAs in general and my take on Roth IRAs. In a perfect world where unicorns chase the butterflies, Roth IRAs should be used for non-annuity assets. You've already paid the taxes on the Roth. That should be where the growth part of your portfolio is.
The 2 Questions That Make Annuities Simple: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

The 2 Questions That Make Annuities Simple: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is what are the two questions that make annuities simple? See, I am Mr. Simplistic out here. Don't ask my wife. She'll probably agree with you on other terms, on other reasons for that, but annuities are simple. They should be simple. They're transfer of risk contracts that primarily solve for four things.
How to Buy an Annuity: Mortality Credits

How to Buy an Annuity: Mortality Credits

Hi there, Stan The Annuity Man, America's Annuity Agent licensed in all 50 states. I am glad you joined me about how to buy an annuity, looking at mortality credits, and why that is so, so important. Mortality credits. Let's talk about it.
Annuities Are for Do-It-Yourselfers: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuities Are for Do-It-Yourselfers: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

For all of you do-it-your-selfers out there who have been managing your own money and running it through the Fidelitys and the Vanguards and the TDs and the Schwabs and all those great firms out there, annuities are right up your alley because they are do-it-yourself products.
Annuity Transfer: How Can I Transfer My Annuity?

Annuity Transfer: How Can I Transfer My Annuity?

Today we're talking about annuity transfers. Should you transfer your annuity? Can you transfer your annuity? "This person's trying to tell me to transfer my annuity." Can I transfer my annuity? How does my transfer work? All good questions asked by you of which will be answered by me.