What Does the Maturity Date on an Annuity Mean?

What Does the Maturity Date on an Annuity Mean?

What does the maturity day on an annuity mean? Great question. Why do companies put maturity dates on policies? We will go over what that means, what your choices are, etc., so that when you get your policy and this maturity date on the policy, you'll understand precisely what to do.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Investing In An Annuity

What Are The Disadvantages Of Investing In An Annuity

As I’ve said before, you just can't say annuity because there's many annuity types, so it really comes down to the type of annuity that you either own or you're considering owning. The biggest thing with annuities is the fact that annuities are contracts, they're not investments with contractual guarantees.
062 Bob Carlson: Unlocking the Secrets of Social Security and Your Retirement Plan

062 Bob Carlson: Unlocking the Secrets of Social Security and Your Retirement Plan

Fun With Annuities Podcast #62 has no other than, Bob Carlson. He’s the founder of the popular retirement newsletter “Retirement Watch.” If you don’t already subscribe, stop what you are doing and go sign up. You can thank me later.
061: John Lenz The Annuity Mechanic Thinks Outside The Box

061: John Lenz The Annuity Mechanic Thinks Outside The Box

Can we swear on this channel? This week's Fun With Annuities podcast wastes zero time getting down to brass tacks on real-life situations with lifetime income planning for yourself and beneficiaries.
059: FIA Insider Wears Mask to Protect Identity and Share Industry Secrets

059: FIA Insider Wears Mask to Protect Identity and Share Industry Secrets

I know every week, I'm out here gushing how awesome the celebrity co-host is, but THIS guy is a "can't fricken' believe he agreed to do this" kinda score.
058: The Moneylady Terry Savage Holds Nothing Back

058: The Moneylady Terry Savage Holds Nothing Back

We rolled out the virtual red carpet for this week's celebrity co-host, Terry Savage. She's one of the top personal finance reporters in the country, with her weekly column syndicated in major newspapers by Tribune Content Agency.
057: The best time to shop long-term care with Jack Lenenberg

057: The best time to shop long-term care with Jack Lenenberg

Turn up the volume for this week's Fun With Annuities celebrity co-host, THE Long-term care pro - Jack Lenenberg He's founder and president of LTC PARTNER and recognized as the top Long Term Care expert in the U.S.
056: Supercharge Your Retirement and Shut Out the Noise with Paul Merriman

056: Supercharge Your Retirement and Shut Out the Noise with Paul Merriman

With over 50 years of experience in the financial industry, Paul’s episode is a no-brainer for anyone interested in the stock market and investing.
054: Barry Dyke Talks About Corruption on Wall Street and Big Money

054: Barry Dyke Talks About Corruption on Wall Street and Big Money

This week's celebrity co-host Barry Dyke can legitimately be called "one of a kind." In this podcast, Barry and I dig deep into the details about how the global financial system works and how you can protect yourself.
Types of Annuities: What Are The Best?

Types of Annuities: What Are The Best?

What is the best type of annuity? That’s a good question. But in the annuity world, there are no perfect answers, just bad sales pitches. The best type of annuity is the one that provides the highest contractual guarantee for your specific situation and the exact goal you are trying to achieve. It’s really that simple.
053: Owen Schrum discusses Bitcoin and explains Blockchain

053: Owen Schrum discusses Bitcoin and explains Blockchain

Let's talk bitcoin and blockchain people. Blocka-whaaat? That's right -surprise, surprise. Stan The Annuity Man is talking about something other than annuities.
Principal Preservation: Are You at That Stage?

Principal Preservation: Are You at That Stage?

We are currently witnessing market movements that in the past took years that now happen in a day. 500 to 1,000 point swings are commonplace and investors are becoming numb to this type of violent volatility. These types of market swings are great if you are a trader or a hedge fund manager.
The Do’s and Don'ts of Taking a 1035 Exchange for a Test Drive

The Do’s and Don'ts of Taking a 1035 Exchange for a Test Drive

There's only one reason that someone would 1035 exchange their policy. It's if the policy that they're going into is better contractually than the one that they're leaving. It's that simple.