Annuity Decisions Should Be Simple & Contractual: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuity Decisions Should Be Simple & Contractual: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is Annuity Decisions Should Be Simple and Contractual. They have to be both. They can't be one or the other. They got to be both. And let me explain that to you.
Andy Panko: Financial Planning Demystified and Unemotional (TAM Classic)

Andy Panko: Financial Planning Demystified and Unemotional (TAM Classic)

Most people can do accumulation well; it’s the decumulation where things get a little more tactical and complicated.
How I Really Feel About Indexed Annuities

How I Really Feel About Indexed Annuities

Index Annuities are contracts; we will go over the details of Index Annuities. You're going to hear about how I really feel about Index Annuities. That is guaranteed. The other thing guaranteed is that I will tell you the brutal truth about what they are.
Annuities vs Market Volatility

Annuities vs Market Volatility

Hi there, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Boy, today's topic is a good one. My director and all the smart people in the room were like, "Stan, don't yell. Please don't yell for this topic."
How Much Do You Need to Start an Annuity?

How Much Do You Need to Start an Annuity?

How much do you need to start an annuity? Promise me one thing. Do not ask anyone that but me, because that is a salesperson's dream. And you know, The Annuity Man is where annuities are bought, not sold.
Annuities Will Do What You Contractually Need: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuities Will Do What You Contractually Need: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is a very good one and one that I want to stick in the back of your head, your cerebellum, whatever that is. I want it to be what they say in the music industry, an earworm, meaning it's just stuck in there.
Annuity Examples: Annuity Income Flooring

Annuity Examples: Annuity Income Flooring

Hi there, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent licensed in all 50 states. I'm glad that you joined me today. We're talking about annuity examples and annuity income flooring.
5 Reasons to Own a QLAC

5 Reasons to Own a QLAC

Today's topic is the five reasons you should consider purchasing a QLAC, Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract, and we will talk about that right now.
State Law: Is There a Free Look Period for Annuities?

State Law: Is There a Free Look Period for Annuities?

Can you get out of an annuity once you buy it? Is there a provision for you to reverse the mistake you think you've made? Good question and I will explain today the free look time periods for annuities regulated by the states.
Don’t Buy Annuity Hypothetical Annuity Returns: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Don’t Buy Annuity Hypothetical Annuity Returns: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is a good one that will inform the masses and upset some people trying to sell annuities, and it's titled 'Do Not Buy Annuity Hypothetical Returns.'
Terry Savage: The Savage Truth For Your Money in 2024

Terry Savage: The Savage Truth For Your Money in 2024

There is one annuity that you might have that will keep up with inflation and it’s called Social Security.
Lifetime Income Annuity: Single Or Joint Life

Lifetime Income Annuity: Single Or Joint Life

Hello, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent licensed in all 50 states. That would include yours and yes, I do sell annuities, but only if they're appropriate and suitable. Let's talk about lifetime income annuities and whether you should set it up as single life or joint life. We're going to do that right now.
The Truth About Hybrid Annuities

The Truth About Hybrid Annuities

I'm so glad to be here today to talk about a topic that, when you saw it, you clicked it so hard, you might've broken the mouse or your touchpad or however you're doing it. You said, "Hybrid annuities? The truth about hybrid annuities? I've heard about hybrid annuities.
Every American Already Owns an Annuity

Every American Already Owns an Annuity

Today, we are talking about everyone hating annuities. "I hate annuities, Stan. Do you see the ads? I hate all annuities." That's funny because every U.S. citizen with a Social Security number already owns an annuity. And I'm going to explain that today.
Annuities Can Have Flexible Income Start Dates: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuities Can Have Flexible Income Start Dates: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is: Annuities Can Have Flexible Income Start Dates. A lot of people out there, when they talk about annuities, they think there's only one. "I won't buy an annuity because the annuity company keeps money when I die." That's one of 40 ways to structure it.