Are Annuities Safe?

Are Annuities Safe?

We're here to talk about annuities. Are they safe? I get the calls all the time. "I don't know if annuities are safe or not. Should I put money there?" Let's talk about that.
Unlocking Annuity Guarantees for a Worry-Free Retirement

Unlocking Annuity Guarantees for a Worry-Free Retirement

Today's topic is unlocking annuity guarantees for a worry-free retirement. We all want a worry-free retirement. In my opinion, the way to get a worry-free retirement is to have a lifetime income and enough money to live on without worry. That's what annuities can do for you.
How The Economy Affects Annuity Rates

How The Economy Affects Annuity Rates

The question is, how does the economy affect annuity rates? That's a basic question with a very detailed answer because annuities are not all the same. I know that "I hate all annuities" ads are out there.
Belt & Suspenders Annuity Strategies: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Belt & Suspenders Annuity Strategies: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is a great one, coming from the deep south of where I grew up in Charlotte, North Cackalacky. North Carolina, actually, the town, seriously, and I'm not kidding, look it up, it's called Stanley, North Carolina, just like it sounds.
Christine Benz: Avoiding Blind Spots in Your Retirement Portfolio Planning (TAM Classic)

Christine Benz: Avoiding Blind Spots in Your Retirement Portfolio Planning (TAM Classic)

If you're looking for something that will zig when your stocks zag, you probably want to ensure that your portfolio includes that cash and treasury bonds.
What Does It Mean When You Annuitize an Annuity?

What Does It Mean When You Annuitize an Annuity?

What does it mean when you annuitize an annuity? I'm going to tell you that, but not until I tell you who I am. I'm Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. This is going to be a fun topic because annuities are fun. So, let's get into it.
Does the 4 Percent Rule for Retirement Income Still Work?

Does the 4 Percent Rule for Retirement Income Still Work?

Does the 4% rule still work for retirement income planning? We're going to talk about the 4% rule. We're going to talk about very smart people who have factually and academically destroyed it. And I can do that because I used to be on that side of the table.
Annuity Income: How To Set Up Your Payments

Annuity Income: How To Set Up Your Payments

Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states and that's including yours. And we're talking about annuity income and how to set up those payments; let's talk about that.
Exchange Your Income Rider for a SPIA: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Exchange Your Income Rider for a SPIA: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Welcome to Shootin' It Straight With Stan. I am your host Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. I am so glad you joined me on this topic, which is a good one. And it came from my good friend, John Lenz. I call him the annuity architect.
Annuity Death Benefits: Are They Taxable?

Annuity Death Benefits: Are They Taxable?

Today, a little bit of motivation. We're going to talk about death. Yes, that's a motivational topic. But we need to talk about annuity death benefits. Are they taxable? How do they work? All that stuff. You need to know that because you must control things from the grave. You need to set things up for your family.
Lock and Load Annuity Income Guarantees

Lock and Load Annuity Income Guarantees

Today's topic is lock and load for income guarantees because when you buy an annuity, you're buying a contract and locking in that guarantee. You're loading it for the future, so you're locking and loading that contractual guarantee. I want you to think about that.
Why Democrats Love Annuities

Why Democrats Love Annuities

Today we're going to talk about why Democrats love annuities. The blue state. We have the red state, which are the Republicans, and then we have the Democrats. I've done a blog on why Republicans love annuities, but I think it's fair to talk about the Democrats.
Swallow the Seminar Food, Not the Annuity Pitch: Shootin’ It Straight With Stan

Swallow the Seminar Food, Not the Annuity Pitch: Shootin’ It Straight With Stan

Welcome to Shooting it Straight With Stan. I'm your host, Stan The Annuity Man - America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. I'm so glad you joined me for a great topic. You saw it and said, "Okay, I got to see what he's going to say about this." The topic is: Swallow the Seminar Food, NOT the Annuity Pitch."
Chuck Jaffe: Top Money & Life Topics for 2024

Chuck Jaffe: Top Money & Life Topics for 2024

Keep in perspective where money is supposed to be. You didn't make it to save it. You didn't make it to be buried. The richest man in the graveyard is not the happiest man before he got there.
Why Republicans Love Annuities

Why Republicans Love Annuities

Today's topic is a good one: Why Republicans Love Annuities. Yes, Republicans love annuities. I'm going to do another blog on our friends, the Democrats. But Republicans love annuities.