Annuity Fees and Commissions

Annuity Fees and Commissions

So today, we're going to talk about annuity fees and commissions. You'll like this topic because no one talks about annuity fees and commissions, so let's go through them. Commissions with annuities: Once again, life insurance companies issue annuities, but commissions to us agents out here are built-in and hidden from you, so it's a net transaction.
Why Do Some People Hate Annuities?

Why Do Some People Hate Annuities?

Man, am I glad you clicked that button to read this because you're trying to figure out why people are always saying they hate annuities? Why do some people hate annuities? Annuities are the financial curse word. That's for sure.
Don’t Be an Annuity Hypocrite: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Don’t Be an Annuity Hypocrite: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is Don't Be an Annuity Hypocrite. I keep pounding the table all the time about this. I'm growing weary of the stupid people out there that are saying, "I hate all annuities, annuities are all bad, annuities are all expensive, or never look at an annuity." Those types of things.
Stan The Annuity Man: The Psychology of Buying Annuities

Stan The Annuity Man: The Psychology of Buying Annuities

The biggest psychological hurdle to buying an annuity is the fear of missing out. You need to overcome the fear of missing out on market returns and replace it with the fear of missing out on your chapter two, where you should live the life you have earned.
What Are Annuities Commonly Used For?

What Are Annuities Commonly Used For?

So, you're doing annuity research? That's pretty cool. I mean, you must be leaning in to see, "Hey, does this make sense for me?" The question is, "What are annuities commonly used for?" People try to use them for many things, but they buy most annuity types primarily for their unique benefit proposition.

Who Should NOT Buy an Annuity?

Today's topic is a beauty. I can't wait to do this one. Who Should NOT Buy an Annuity? Think about that. Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent. I sell more annuities than anyone on the planet, and I'm going to tell you who shouldn't buy an annuity. And you're going, "What? An agent not trying to make a commission?"

Single Premium Immediate Annuity Definition

We're going to cover a lot today. We'll cover what a Single Premium Immediate Annuity is, what it solves for, the brief history of Immediate Annuities, and the limitations and benefits because we have to cover them. After all, all annuities have them. Then we're going to talk about where it fits and how do you quote it. Once again, hang in there because I'll give away the book for free at the end of the blog.

MYGAs are NOT Callable: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is MYGAs are NOT Callable, and this is very important in the world that we're living in right now with rising interest rates and people wanting to lock them in. What do you do? How do they differ from bonds or CDs or things like that?

Single Life Annuity vs. Joint Survivor Annuity

Single life versus joint and survivor life annuity. That's what you're looking for, right? That's what I'm going to tell you about. Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. And I know my stuff, and I also know about this topic.

What Is the Exclusion Ratio?

Hi, Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Today's question is a good one. "Hey, Stan, what's this exclusion ratio thing I've heard about? What's an exclusion ratio? Why are they excluding it? I don't want anything excluded. I want it all, Stan. I want it all with my annuity type." We're going to talk annuity types, about the exclusion ratio, how to look at that, and how to navigate my website.

Annuity Income Increases for Inflation: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Welcome to Shooting it Straight with Stan. I'm your host Stan The Annuity Man, America's Annuity Agent licensed in all 50 states. Today's topic is a hot one. It got your attention, and you want to hope and believe it's true, and the topic is Annuity Income Increases for Inflation. Does that exist, Stan The Annuity Man?

Kerry Pechter: Annuities For Dummies

Annuities are a bunch of products that have as much that are unalike as they are alike. Each one is a tool for particular kinds of people in particular kinds of life for different kinds of risk management.
Fixed Index Annuity: Do FIAs Get Stock Market Returns?

Fixed Index Annuity: Do FIAs Get Stock Market Returns?

Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, here to talk about those beloved Fixed Index Annuities that everyone loves to go to the bad chicken dinner seminars. And if it sounds too good to be true because it is.
Annuity Examples: A Beginner’s Guide to Annuities

Annuity Examples: A Beginner’s Guide to Annuities

What are we talking about today? Annuity examples, a Beginner's Guide to Annuities. There's so much misinformation, bad information, hucksters, sociopaths, sales pitch nonsense on annuities. It's time to get down to the basics. It's time to start talking about and building the foundation. Let's take an elementary look at annuities from the beginner's standpoint.
Can You Change the Beneficiary on an Annuity?

Can You Change the Beneficiary on an Annuity?

The question you're asking today, which is a good one, is can you change the beneficiaries of an annuity? I'm going to cover all types, but the short answer, which is what you want, is yes, you can. You can change the beneficiaries on the annuity. If your kid pisses you off, sorry for my French, you can take them off that annuity as a beneficiary.