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The Truth About Fixed Index Annuities

Hey, can you handle the truth? Can you handle it? As Jack Nicholson said, can you handle the truth about Fixed Index Annuities? I'll tell you what, there needs to be some truth out there. Many pitches are flying through the air, radio, TV, the bad chicken dinner seminars, about Fixed Index Annuities.
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Monte Carlo or Stanicarlo Simulation: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

The topic of the day is Monte Carlo or Stanicarlo Simulation. And you're like, "Wait a minute. What? Monte Carlo?" "Let me tell you something, son, Monte Carlo. I used to have a Monte Carlo, and I loved that car. It was a two-seater, and the women loved it." Now I'm not talking about that, Chester.
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Marty Parlato: Factually Ranting on Investing Now

Martin “Marty” Parlato is a star. He is controversial. He is smart. And he seems to be always right about the markets. As a warning, he is not politically correct or woke. This is not a soft-landing spot or a warm-fuzzy-feeling podcast guest. This is how you would like politicians and market pundits to talk. Brutal. Factual. Not mincing words. The only proof that the world is not fair is that Jim Cramer is the lead mouthpiece for CNBC, not Marty Parlato. He’s that good.
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How Does a SPIA Work?

Today's topic is how does a Single Premium Immediate Annuity work. Some call it SPIA, S-P-I-A, or Single Premium Immediate Annuity. After this blog, you'll be able to decide whether a Single Premium Immediate Annuity fits or doesn't.
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Do Rich People Buy Annuities?

Don't we hate rich people? Are you rich? I mean, are you the evil rich? I think we all are kind of when they start collecting taxes. So, the question is, do rich people buy annuities? Yes, some do, and some don't. It comes down to if they want to transfer risk. Now, the reason a lot of rich people are rich is because they're smart. Smart people like to transfer risk, and annuities are contracts that allow you to transfer risk.
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Lifestyle Income Guarantee: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is lifestyle income guarantee, not lifetime, lifestyle. Now, annuities as a category is the only category that provides income as long as you are breathing. There's no ROI until you die. Some say, "Well, I don't know about annuities, and I don't know about the return on that thing."
Can You Buy an Annuity at Any Age?

Can You Buy an Annuity at Any Age?

Can you buy an annuity at any age? That's the burning question. The answer is yes, but the real question is why? Should you buy one just because you can buy one at any age? If you're 90 years old, why do you need an annuity? Why do you need to transfer risk? You've already beaten it. Or if you're two years old, why do you need one? So, the answer is, yes, you can.
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Are Annuities Safe for Retirement?

The best question I've heard in a millennium is, "Are annuities safe for retirement?" And you might be one of those 10,000 baby boomers retiring daily. That's an actual stat, and that's crazy. Now, the reason that's important when you talk about annuities is most people have had it with the stock market. If that's not you, then great, trade your brains away.
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4 Contractual Paths to Income Later: Shootin’ It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is 4 Contractual Paths to Income Later. Income later is when I ask the two questions, what do you want the money to contractually do, and when do you want those contractual guarantees to start? An example answer to the first question is, "I want lifetime income," and an example answer to the second question is, "I want it to start in two or three years or five years or seven years or 10 years."
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Terry Savage: Chicken Money Strategies That Work

I loved having Terry Savage back on Fun With Annuities to discuss the current financial environment. In volatile and chaotic times like these, it’s time for professionals to weigh in, and Terry is definitely a pro.
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How Much Money Do You Need for an Annuity?

How much money do you need for an annuity? That's the question, really? That assumes that you need an annuity. Don't assume. You might not need an annuity. I know Stan The Annuity Man, the number one agent in the country, who sells more annuities than anybody on the planet, and I'm telling you you might not need one. That's right, and they're not for everybody.
Annuity Free Look Period

Annuity Free Look Period

Hey, internet land. Stan The Annuity Man here, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. I sell a ton of annuities, but I'm an educator, which is why you're here. You asked the question about the annuity free look period. I'm going to quickly answer it, which is, it depends on your state, but it's typically anywhere from 10 to 30 days.
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Annuity Companies Aren't Smarter Than Banks: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is Annuity Companies Aren't Smarter Than Banks. They're not, just more regulated. Let me tell you a little story. A long time ago, a few years ago, there was this pandemic. Some say it came from a wet market where turtles were making out with bats, who were loving on ducks, who were then kissing the snakes. I didn't know what was going on.
What Is the Purpose of an Annuity?

What Is the Purpose of an Annuity?

Today's topic is what is the purpose of an annuity. Why do you even need one? What do they solve for? We're going to go through that with all types, so you can understand if it even makes sense for you to own an annuity, and if it does, which one fits your situation best.
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What Are Surrender Charges in Annuities?

Today's topic and question is, what are surrender charges in annuities? Not all annuities have surrender charges, but the ones that do, and we'll talk about both. Still, for the ones that do, it is a way for the annuity company to make back their money that they've paid out in commissions, administrative fees, and business expenses if you pivot during the contract and try to get all your money back. It's similar to a CD. CDs have surrendered charges, and some mutual funds have surrender charges.