Live off the Interest: Shootin' It Straight With Stan blog thumbnail

Live off the Interest: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Welcome to another Shooting It Straight With Stan blog. I am Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states, every single one of them. I do that all the time, and then someone on a YouTube video the other day commented, "Are you licensed in Kentucky?" Yes, I'm licensed in Kentucky, but I'm revved up today because the topic is "live off the interest until you can't." What am I talking about, Stan The Annuity Man? I'm talking about current interest rates.
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Stan The Annuity Man....Off The Annuity Cuff

Stan The Annuity Man®, a.k.a. Stan Haithcock is known as “America’s Annuity Agent®” and the top independent annuity agent in the United States. Licensed in all 50 states, he is recognized as one of the top thought leaders in the annuity industry. He is the founder of The Annuity Man® LLC, with office locations in Florida and Nevada.
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How to Buy an Annuity Gift Guide: It’s About More Than Money

Hi there. Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent licensed in all 50 states. Today we're talking about how to buy annuities as a gift and about being more than just money. It can't all be about money, can it? No, it cannot. Money cannot buy you happiness. That's just wisdom, is what that is. Now, we're going to talk about some gift guides and some giving ideas using annuities.
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How to Buy an Annuity: Bring Your Spouse to the Call

Today we're talking about how to buy an annuity. You need to bring your spouse to the call. You need to get them on the call with you when you talk to Stan The Annuity Man, because I'm betting they'll live longer than you. This could be true, and you want them to understand what you're thinking about regarding annuities. So, bring your spouse to the call y'all!
10 Years Ago: Shootin' It Straight With Stan thumbnail

10 Years Ago: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is if you'd have owned it 10 years ago. Now, if you've been to the bad chicken dinner seminar, the expensive steak dinner seminar, the marble office with the guy that says he has a too-good-to-be-true product and gives you upfront funds, market upside with no downside, unicorns chasing butterflies, and you're saying to yourself, wait a minute, that sounds too good to be true.
Annuity Rates: Don’t Buy Fear or Greed thumbnail

Annuity Rates: Don’t Buy Fear or Greed

Today we're going to talk about how people sell annuities for fear and greed. Most of the time, this revolves around Fixed Index Annuities. I have nothing against Fixed Index Annuities, but this is the fear and greed sell that you hear most often. Let's go through the other annuity types. Single Premium Immediate Annuities, Deferred Income Annuities, and Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts are very simplistic, transfer risk pension products, lifetime income products with no moving parts and no annual fees, and no market detachments.
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Annuity Comparison: Income Rider vs. DIA

Man, we're going to have fun today. We're going to make an annuity comparison looking at Income Riders versus Deferred Income Annuities. The acronym is DIA. Let's talk about the difference between the two and the similarities. This falls under the category of, what? Retirement income insurance, lifetime income insurance, income insurance, whatever you want to call it. Car insurance, fire insurance, home insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, and income insurance. That's what these are.
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If It Sounds Too Good to Be True: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Thank you so much for joining us on this hot topic. Not a Hot Pocket, those are the things you eat if you're a computer dude or dude-ette. It's a hot topic. The topic is, If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Is. Every single time with annuities without exception.
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John Lenz: The Banking Crisis & Annuities

Unless you have been living in a cave, there has been a little banking crisis recently that continues to concern anyone that’s not buying the media or political spin. So, of course Stan The Annuity Man has to give you the absolute facts and bring in an objective expert that would provide the brutal truth. John Lenz is just that person. The “annuity architect” himself agreed to help me hammer this important topic.
Annuities Explained: Top Questions Answered thumbnail

Annuities Explained: Top Questions Answered

Today's topic is about you, about the questions people have asked through comments on my YouTube channel. If you have put any questions on my YouTube videos, guess what? I answer them. Yes, I actually read them. I have no life. I've been married for 33 years. I have two grown daughters. I have no life. This is what I do. I'm Stan, The Annuity Man.
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Retirement Income: 3 Rockstar Tips I've Learned

Retirement income, let's talk about that and the three tips I learned from some of the biggest financial rock stars on the planet that happen to be guests of mine on my great podcast, Fun with Annuities. That's on all podcast platforms, and we even have a YouTube channel called Fun With Annuities that you can check out. But I will share it with you and I had some great guests there.
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Push Comes to Shove: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic comes from a client of mine. I was on a phone call with her today, and she said something, and I said, "Stop. Stop talking. I got to write this down," because most of my really good video and blog ideas come from you. When I get on the phone with you, I use my mouth and ears proportionately, two ears, one mouth. I'm listening to you.
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IRA Annuity Calculator

Today's topic is IRA annuity calculators. We're discussing calculating annuity guarantees within your IRA. Yes. You should have an annuity inside of your IRA if you want contractual guarantees, if you want lifetime income, if you want principal protection, if you want legacy, if you want long-term care type coverage, and the only assets you have in bulk are IRA assets. Then it makes sense.
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Deferred Annuities: SPDA/FPDA/MVA

We're talking today about Deferred Annuities and some acronyms that no one knows until you get your policy. SPDA, FPDA, MVA. What the A is that, right? Who knows? I'm going to tell you because you need to know. And it's something in the annuity secret sauce that no one seems to ever address. But of course, yours truly, Stan, the Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, is going to go over all of that today.
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Surfing Beside a Cruise Ship: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is, Are You Surfing Beside a Cruise Ship? I want you to think about that. Have you ever been on a cruise and you're like, "Man, that is a big boat." I always wondered how does that boat float with all that weight? I don't get it. No one ever really explained cruise ships and how they float to me.