QLAC Calculator, Max Funding, RMDs and More thumbnail

QLAC Calculator, Max Funding, RMDs and More

I swear, I laugh out loud sometimes reading the negative articles on QLACs or the comments on QLAC or supposed financial experts that destroy QLACs, and they're comparing them to investments, and it's hilarious.
Hire An Advisor That Grew Up Poor: Shootin' It Straight With Stan thumbnail

Hire An Advisor That Grew Up Poor: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Today's topic is a good one, it's personal, and it's come up a few times in part of the conversation with some people I've been working with. The topic is hiring an advisor that grew up poor. And I know you're saying, wait a minute, don't people change? What does that mean?
Terry Savage: The Savage Financial Truth in 2023

Terry Savage: The Savage Financial Truth in 2023

Financial royalty joined me once again on the podcast for her take on 2023. Terry is always a joy to bring on, and her energy is second to none. What a money dynamo!
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Managing Longevity Risk With Annuities

One of the biggest risks retirees face is outliving their savings. With people living longer than ever, there is a growing concern about whether retirement savings will last for the entirety of one's retirement.
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3 Years in or 3 Years Out: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Today's topic is, three years in or three years out when you're looking at fixed rates. My rule is, if it's three years or in, you're buying CDs and treasuries. If it's three years and out, you're buying Multi-Year Guarantee Annuities or Fixed Rate Annuities, the annuity industry version of a CD.
6 Benefits of a QLAC thumbnail

6 Benefits of a QLAC

A Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC) can be a valuable tool for retirees looking to secure their financial future. These annuities offer a unique set of benefits that can help ensure a stable retirement income.
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Roth IRAs and the Government: Why Politicians Are Targeting

I'm excited about this topic because this is a good one. It's about Roth IRAs and why the government is starting to target Roth IRAs and saying, "Let's look at this Roth IRA thing, let's focus in, let's get the telescope down to Roth IRAs.
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Buy The Annuity Drink: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

The topic today is buying the annuity drink. Now, let me explain that. My mom is a great soul. My dad passed away five years ago, and she's pivoted living her life. She has her circle of friends and travels and has fun.
Bob Carlson: The Essential Guide to Retiring in 2023 thumbnail

Bob Carlson: The Essential Guide to Retiring in 2023

If there were a czar of the retirement planning and advice world, it would be Bob Carlson. I was so happy when Bob let me know that his new book, “Retirement Watch: The Essential Guide to Retiring in the 2020s”, was unavailable to all of us, and I had to have him back on the podcast to talk about it.
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Best Long-Term Investment Strategies

Today we're talking about the best long-term investment strategies. I recently had a guest on my podcast called Fun with Annuities®. It comes out every Tuesday on all major podcast platforms.
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Scars of Scarcity: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Today's topic is a good one and one that will make you think. The title is The Scars of Scarcity: Fear of Running Out. Not fear of missing out, fear of running out. Now, I have to give full credit to "The scars of scarcity" to my lovely wife, Christine, who came up with it.
Retirement Income Gap The Real Deal

Retirement Income Gap The Real Deal

What's the real deal about the retirement income gap? I keep reading this, and I keep seeing these titles. What does all of that mean? How does it apply to me?
How Annuities Are the Best Offense for Diminished Capacity Retirement Planning

How Annuities Are the Best Offense for Diminished Capacity Retirement Planning

Today's topic is a good one and a sensitive one.
What To Know When Gap Filling Your Income: Shootin' It Straight With Stan thumbnail

What To Know When Gap Filling Your Income: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Today's topic is gap-filling strategies before Social Security. I get a lot of calls from people in their sixties who are thinking about waiting until age 70 to take their income from the best inflation annuity on the planet called Social Security.
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Jay Zawatsky: What really is money?

Jay Zawatsky is one of the most fascinating guests I’ve ever had on my Fun With Annuities® podcast. He is a professor, lawyer, researcher, radio show host, podcaster, and incredibly high IQ “unicorn” that knows much more than he revealed during our recording.