Would More Money Really Change Your Life? Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Would More Money Really Change Your Life? Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Today's topic is a good one, and it will make you think. Will more money change your life? I want you to think about that for a second. Would more money change your life? Would you buy a different car? Would you buy different clothes? Would you eat out more? Would it change your overall lifestyle?
Annuities Explained – Fixed Annuity vs. Variable Annuity

Annuities Explained – Fixed Annuity vs. Variable Annuity

Let’s talk about Fixed Annuities versus variable annuities, which I love to talk about.
Volatile or Contractual: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Volatile or Contractual: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

Today's topic is, and it's a good question, is your retirement plan volatile or contractual? Are you at the whim of the markets, at the whim of wars and dictators and crazy people and missile launches and Bitcoin fraud? Are you volatile, or are you contractual? And I guess the better question is, which one do you want to be?
Marcia Mantell: What’s the Deal with Retirement Planning thumbnail

Marcia Mantell: What’s the Deal with Retirement Planning?

If I had to choose a smart person to hang out with and drink a cup of coffee with, it would be Marcia Mantell. She is the definition of “glass half full” when helping out retirees, pre-retirees, and baby boomers.
What Is A 1035 Exchange Transfer

What Is A 1035 Exchange Transfer

For people that enjoy reading the IRS tax code in their spare time, I would encourage you to flip to section 1035 and read about life insurance and annuity transfers. For those of you with a life, just let me explain the important details, so it’s easy to understand.
The 15 Biggest Mistakes When Buying Annuities - Part 2

The 15 Biggest Mistakes When Buying Annuities - Part 2

All right, so this is part two. Part one was one through five and this is part two. Let’s get into it with number six. The sixth biggest mistake I see people make when buying annuities is being pressured into signing the paperwork. You'll have some agents say, "Well, you got to sign it because if you don't sign it now, you won't get the upfront bonus.
The 15 Biggest Mistakes When Buying Annuities - Part 1

The 15 Biggest Mistakes When Buying Annuities - Part 1

Great topic. It was requested by a very high-level person in the industry because they wanted my take on it. What are the top 15 biggest mistakes people make when buying, or at least thinking about, annuities?
Retire from Both Your Job and The Markets: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Retire from Both Your Job and The Markets: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

So glad that you joined me for this timely topic that's going to make a lot of people mad and make a lot of people question things, but it will make total sense when you hear it. The title is "When you Retire, You Need to Retire from Both Your Job, Your Work, and The Markets," so you got to retire from two things, work and the markets.
Michael Finke: Why Annuities Make Sense Right Now

Michael Finke: Why Annuities Make Sense Right Now

In the world of retirement research and common-sense annuity strategies, Micheal Finke is one of the four faces on Annuity Mount Rushmor along with mine, of course. The ongoing work and effort to help consumers make better retirement decisions is a legacy Michael should be very proud of.
Why Are Income Riders Paying More Than Deferred Income Annuities?

Why Are Income Riders Paying More Than Deferred Income Annuities?

An interesting topic today comes directly from my interactions with people on the phone. This topic is why are income riders currently paying more contractually than Deferred Income Annuities? We're going to go through all of that, and the details of that and why that matters to you when you're looking for future income guarantees after this.
The 15 Biggest Mistakes When Buying Annuities - Part 3

The 15 Biggest Mistakes When Buying Annuities - Part 3

Today we are finishing up our series on the 15 biggest mistakes people make when considering annuities or buying annuities, and we've done one through five and five through 10. Now we're going to do 11 through 15. I'm very excited about that because this is a learning experience for you and the industry.
Fake Annuity News: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Fake Annuity News: Shootin' It Straight With Stan®

We are familiar with fake news. That's fake news; this is fake news, and what we've found out as a country is obvious bias with the news. At this point, when we hear news or read something a little bit outrageous, we just say, "Wait a minute, I wonder if that's true." Or, "I wonder what's behind that."
Your Principal Protection Trifecta: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Your Principal Protection Trifecta: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Today's topic is your principal protection trifecta. I'm talking about right now in volatile times, and there's always going to be volatile times, but there are pending wars right now, there's inflation, there's market volatility, there are elections coming up, there's always elections coming up, and people that are retiring are tired of it. They're tired of the volatility. They're tired of ups and downs.
Single Premium Immediate Annuities - Explained

Single Premium Immediate Annuities - Explained

What is a Single Premium Immediate Annuity? How does it work? Should you own one? We're going to dive into many things concerning single premium immediate annuities. We're also going to go through; should you even own one? We’ll go through the details of how you can make that decision.
Annuity Monthly Payment Calculator: Don’t blow through your retirement funds!

Annuity Monthly Payment Calculator: Don’t blow through your retirement funds!

Get an annuity for what it will do, not what it might do®.