Stop Living Your Life by the Tax Code: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Stop Living Your Life by the Tax Code: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Today's topic is a weird one, a good one, a timely one, a needed one, and it is called Stop Living Your Life by the Tax Code. Now, disclaimer, I'm not a CPA. I'm not a tax lawyer. I do not give tax advice, and no advisor or agent should give you any tax advice unless they are a CPA or a tax lawyer or in some cases, CFPs have that certification, as well
Terry Savage: The Savage Truth about Rates & Markets

Terry Savage: The Savage Truth about Rates & Markets

I always joke with Terry Savage that when she walks into most rooms, she is the smartest person there. I’m not kidding. Throw gender out of the window because only a select few match her financial IQ.
How To Avoid Annuity Fees

How To Avoid Annuity Fees

Today's topic is annuity fees. What to look for, how to avoid them. Do you want to avoid them? So, are there any fees associated with initiating an annuity? Annuity, as you know, can mean many different types. You can’t say "I hate all annuities" Really? Do you hate your social security, player?
Secondary Market Annuities - The Current Environment

Secondary Market Annuities - The Current Environment

Today's topic's a good one, and I've been looking forward to talking about this. I get a lot of emails and calls and all this stuff about secondary market annuities, SMAs as they're called in the business.
Do You Have Lifetime Income Insurance

Do You Have Lifetime Income Insurance?: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Today's topic is, do you have lifetime income insurance? I know what you're saying. "Stan, that's sappy. We know where you're headed with this. You're going to talk about." No, I'm going to start out by asking you some questions. Do you have car insurance? Do you have home insurance?
Bill Black: New Strategies for Life Insurance in 2022

Bill Black: New Strategies for Life Insurance in 2022

Bill Black is a nationally recognized triathlete, 6’ 8” tall, and oh, by the way…the top life insurance expert in the country.
What You Should Know About Mortality Credits

What You Should Know About Mortality Credits

Glad you’re joining me about how to buy an annuity, looking at mortality credits, and why that is so, so, so important. So, the big question is, what's a mortality credit? It's the pooling of everyone in your age group, pooling you together and your life expectancy, and taking advantage of the pooling of that risk with all of you.
Fixed Index Annuities- Explained

Fixed Index Annuities- Explained

How does a Fixed Indexed Annuity work? The panacea product, the too good to be true, the greatest product since sliced bread. Let's talk about Fixed Index Annuities. The history of a Fixed Index Annuity used to be called equity index annuities, but not anymore, is in 1995 when they were designed and introduced to compete with CD, typical, normal, normal CD returns, not the time of this taping.
Crossing the Retirement Finish Line: Shootin' It Straight with Stan

Crossing the Retirement Finish Line: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Today's topic is “Can you actually cross the retirement finish line?” I'm running into this a lot right now. I had a call the other day and these people had enough money that they never had to worry about another thing. All they had to do was just peel off interest, and never touch the principal. It was done.
Mr. FIA-X: Don't Fall For These Indexed Annuity Sales Tactics

Mr. FIA-X: Don't Fall For These Indexed Annuity Sales Tactics

Mr. FIA-X is arguably the most popular and most requested Fun With Annuities podcast guest in our roster of financial superstars. He wears a mask because the truth and facts he provides on the Fixed Index Annuity (FIA) category can be very controversial.
Lump Sum vs. Annuity Pension – Which one is better for you

Lump Sum vs. Annuity Pension – Which one is better for you

Lump sum versus annuity pension, which one's better? I got a call the other day, and the guy is retiring from a very large company, saying, "Hey Stan The Annuity Man®, they're offering me this lump sum. They, the company. They're also offering me this pension payment, which is an annuity.
Making Yield Great Again: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Making Yield Great Again: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

We are all familiar with the red hat MAGA, Make America Great Again. We know all the baggage that comes with that. Some people are in it. Some people hate it. I don't care, I'm not political. I'm Stan, the Annuity Man®. But instead of MAGA, Making America Great Again. I have a new red hat. It's MYGA, Making Yield Great Again.
Ellie Saul: New Benefits Revealed by Mama Bear Medicare

Ellie Saul: New Benefits Revealed by Mama Bear Medicare

Fun With Annuities Podcast Celebrity Series
Annuity Fees: What to Look for and How to Avoid

Annuity Fees: What to Look for and How to Avoid

Today's topic is annuity fees.
MYGA Rates: Navigating Garbage Sales Pitches

MYGA Rates: Navigating Garbage Sales Pitches

So what is a MYGA? It's a Multi-Year Guarantee Annuity, M-Y-G-A. It's the annuity industry's version of a CD. So how do CDs work? You lock in the money for a specific duration, and during that duration, on an annual basis, you get a specific percentage. The same thing applies to MYGAs.