How Much Do You Need To Pay Yourself With Inflation

How Much Do You Need To Pay Yourself With Inflation

So how much do you need to pay yourself? How much will an annuity for lifetime income pay using our calculators? Good question. So if you're looking for a monthly annuity calculator, what will an annuity pay me for life per month? How do I calculate that?
I Bond, No Brainer: Shootin' It Straight with Stan

I Bond, No Brainer: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

Today's topic is I bond, no brainer. Yes, I only sell annuities. Yes, I only sell annuities for their contractual guarantees. You own an annuity for what it will do. Not what it might do®. I used to be with Dean Witter and Morgan Stanley, UBS PaineWebber.
John Lenz: Annuity Insider Strategies for Rising Rates & Inflation

John Lenz: Annuity Insider Strategies for Rising Rates & Inflation

When I started calling John Lenz the “Annuity Architect” a while back, I couldn’t have picked a better description of this mad-smart superstar. First of all, John has the best baritone voice of all time.
Inflation Adjusted Annuity: Do Index Annuities Save You From Inflation

Inflation Adjusted Annuity: Do Index Annuities Save You From Inflation

Today's topic is one I screamed at the top of my lungs when I saw because one of my dearly beloved clients emailed me this article that said, "Index annuities are the perfect solution to inflation."
How To Get Out of a Fixed Annuity

How To Get Out of a Fixed Annuity

So the question is, how to get out of a fixed annuity? The easy answer is to die, but that's not a very good strategy and undoubtedly not replicable. I love it when people use the word "annuity" as all-encompassing. There are so many different types. So let's just look at the fixed annuity types.
Limit to Annuity Purchases: Shootin' It Straight with Stan

Limit to Annuity Purchases: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

The topic is there's a limit to how many annuities you can buy. There's a limit to annuity purchases. You may say, "Wait a minute. You're saying that if I wanted to put everything I had in annuities you wouldn't make the transaction? You wouldn't sell it to me?
Bob Carlson: The Good & The Bad About Social Security in 2022

Bob Carlson: The Good & The Bad About Social Security in 2022

Bob Carlson is one of my favorite celebrity guests because it’s like getting an advanced degree every time he’s on Fun With Annuities. We discussed the Social Security report and the good and bad news that came out of it.
Free Annuity Report Bait & Switch Lead Mills

Free Annuity Report Bait & Switch Lead Mills

Boy, these ads are starting to pop up, aren't they? Free annuity report. As they say, be careful when it's free, right? You got to dig a little further than that. The annuity industry has earned its bad reputation and sales reputation.
It's Time for A Financial Intervention: Shootin' It Straight with Stan

It's Time for A Financial Intervention: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

The topic of the day, it's time for a financial intervention, or is it time for a financial intervention? I guess you have to ask yourself that question. I was on a phone call with a guy today and it was one of those things where I told him “You've already won the game, why are you still playing?”
Mr. FIA-X: The Truth About Current Fixed Index Annuities

Mr. FIA-X: The Truth About Current Fixed Index Annuities

Mr. FIA-X is one of the most popular guests on my Fun With Annuities podcast because he is an indexed annuity insider, truth teller, and factual flame thrower. He has unique and high-level insights into what’s happening in the FIA industry.
Single Premium Immediate Annuity Death Benefit (SPIA)

Single Premium Immediate Annuity Death Benefit (SPIA)

Today's topic is about Single Premium Immediate Annuity death benefits. The death benefits of an immediate annuity. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, as you can only imagine because people are... I read something the other day. It was from a really smart person.
How to Buy an Annuity – Setting Up Your Annuity Beneficiary

How to Buy an Annuity – Setting Up Your Annuity Beneficiary

Today's topic is setting up those annuity beneficiaries, so when your Learjet hits the mountain, you make sure that the annuity company doesn't keep a penny, even though they're on the hook to pay for the contractual guarantee you put in place.
There's No Perfect Answers, Just Bad Sales Pitches: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

There's No Perfect Answers, Just Bad Sales Pitches: Shootin' It Straight with Stan®

In the annuity world, there are no good answers, just bad sales pitches. On the internet, you see things like, "Oh, get up to an 18% return with market protection, with principal protection." Give me a break.
Marcia Mantell: Lasagna Style Income Planning

Marcia Mantell: Lasagna Style Income Planning

Marcia Mantell is a breath of fresh financial air. She is a great example of living life in a glass-half-full manner. She is a 30-year expert on retirement and the most sought-after consultant in the U.S. for a financial advisor and planner.
How To Buy An Annuity: Start Here

How To Buy An Annuity: Start Here

I'm going to tell you why this one has been brought to the forefront for me to talk about how to buy an annuity, just the down and dirty basics of why we're doing this.When you see the MYGA feed on my site, I can sell that. I'm not saying you need an annuity, but understand that we sell them.