It’s Your Money, NOT Your Advisor’s: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

It’s Your Money, NOT Your Advisor’s: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Welcome to Shooting It Straight with Stan. I'm your host Stan, The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Today's topic will bring me a lot of hate mail, which I love because it comes from the industry. But here's the topic, it's your money, not your advisor's. I'm going to repeat it again. It's your money, not your advisor's. And I want you to think about that for a second.
Best Way to Use an Annuity at Retirement

Best Way to Use an Annuity at Retirement

I'm Stan, The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent. Have you ever asked yourself, "Do I even need an annuity?" That's a great question. You might or you might not, but I'm going to cover today what's the best type of annuity for retirement. Let's get to that question and find out if an annuity fits your specific situation or not.
Do All Annuities Have Surrender Charges?

Do All Annuities Have Surrender Charges?

Hey, Stan The Annuity Man here, America's annuity agent. Today's topic is, Do All Annuities Have Surrender Charges? The short answer is no, but obviously, there's more to that. You just can't say no. It's like saying, "How are you doing?" "Good." There's more to it than that, but we're going to go through all the different types. I'll explain the ones that do, the ones that don't, and the reasons they do or don't.
Beware of Elder Annuity Abuse: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Beware of Elder Annuity Abuse: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Welcome to Shooting It Straight With Stan. I'm your host Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Today's topic is a disturbing one, but one that needs to be discussed, and it's called Beware of Elder Annuity Abuse. The annuity industry is just like any sales industry. There are bad apples in every single sales industry. Pick one; there are bad apples in there.
Larry Kotlikoff: "Maxifi" Your Retirement Planning

Larry Kotlikoff: "Maxifi" Your Retirement Planning

Larry Kotlikoff is one of the most fascinating guests I’ve ever had on my Fun With Annuities podcast. Because I’m a perpetual marketer and brander, I was astonished by the value of the software products that Larry has developed and offers to both consumers and financial advisors.
What Is the Objective of an Annuity?

What Is the Objective of an Annuity?

Stan, the Annuity Man here. What is the objective of an annuity? To me, that's like you're saying, "Hey, I heard all these things about annuities. I went to the bad chicken dinner seminar and ate the chicken." And if it was a steak dinner seminar, now you know how high the commissions were. So, what is the objective of an annuity? I will tell you the good, the bad, the ugly, and the history of that question.
Retirement Withdrawal Strategies: SPIAs

Retirement Withdrawal Strategies: SPIAs

Hi, there. Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Today we're discussing retirement withdrawal strategies using Single Premium Immediate Annuities. SPIAS, that's the acronym.
Focus On Healthspan NOT Lifespan: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Focus On Healthspan NOT Lifespan: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Welcome to Shooting it Straight with Stan. I'm your host Stan The Annuity Man. America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. Writing this one from my main office in Las Vegas, Nevada. Someone asked me the other day, "Well, I don't know if I would ever live in Las Vegas." I'm like, "Listen, people that live in Orlando..." And I lived in Orlando for a long time, where I went to school at the University of Central Florida. Go, Knights.
Single Life With Cash Refund

Single Life With Cash Refund

What are we talking about today? We're talking about Immediate Annuities that are structured single life with cash refund. You need to know that there are many ways to structure Immediate Annuities. There are probably over 30, but today we will discuss single life with cash refund and compare it to other structures.
How to Apply for an Annuity

How to Apply for an Annuity

How to apply for an annuity. That's what you're looking to do? Hey, let's slow down there a little bit, sparky. Before you jump to conclusions about buying an annuity, or maybe you're just trying to find out how the process works, which is good, let's look at even if you need an annuity, and we're going to go through those steps, so hang in there with me.
Annuity Illustration or Annuity Illusion?: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuity Illustration or Annuity Illusion?: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is a barn burner, as they would say in the South. I don't know where that comes from. I'm assuming they were burning barns for whatever reason, but this is a barn burner, and the topic is Annuity Illustration or Annuity Illusion. Now, right at this point, at the time of this blog, the annuity industry, the life insurance industry, and life insurance companies issue annuities.
Stan The Annuity Man: Simple Explanations of Every Annuity Type

Stan The Annuity Man: Simple Explanations of Every Annuity Type

There’s a lot of annuity products out there. Not all of them are great. Not all of them are perfect, but all of them are contractual. So you have to look at the contractual guarantees of the policy. I always tell people don’t buy the dream, because you’re gonna own the contractual reality.
What Is a Lifetime Income Stream?

What Is a Lifetime Income Stream?

Hey, Stan The Annuity Man here, America's annuity agent. The question that you are asking that everyone is asking Stan The Annuity Man is, what is a lifetime income stream? Loaded question depending on who you ask, but a lifetime income stream revolves around the annuity category. We will go deeper into that, how it might work for you, how it might not, and other lifetime income streams you're getting and how to compare them to annuities.
Should I Have an Annuity in My Portfolio?

Should I Have an Annuity in My Portfolio?

So, should you have an annuity in your portfolio? That's the question, right? Hey, I'm Stan The Annuity Man, America's annuity agent, licensed in all 50 states. I know you wanted to know that. But should you have an annuity in your portfolio? That's an excellent question. The answer is, I don't know. And maybe not, but maybe so.
Annuity Bell Doesn’t Ring at the Top or Bottom: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Annuity Bell Doesn’t Ring at the Top or Bottom: Shootin' It Straight With Stan

Today's topic is "Annuity Bell Doesn't Ring at the Top or Bottom." Now I know all you market gurus and people that have advisors and masters of the universe will tell you that you need to hold, you need to time it, you need to look for arbitrage, there's a timing thing, etc. You know that's not true. And especially in the annuity world, don't just say, "Oh, I hate all annuities," because that's not valid.